This is a two-year residency program in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. The program provides advanced clinical training in numerous phases of equine practice and fulfills the credentialing requirements for certification by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP).
Patient Care
- The major responsibility of the resident is to provide support and patient care for the equine ambulatory service. The nature of the ambulatory caseload is similar to that of general equine practice, and there is a busy dentistry component that delivers primary dental care, provides dental consultation for other hospital services, and manages referral dental cases.
- Less frequent responsibilities include support of the other hospital clinical services including Equine Soft Tissue Surgery, Equine Orthopedic Surgery, Equine Community Practice, Equine Internal Medicine, Equine Theriogenology, Equine Lameness, and Large Animal Radiology.
- A primary clinical responsibility includes a rotating position on the after-hours equine ambulatory emergency schedule with other members of Equine Field Service, and expectations for in-house emergency duty and holiday assignments exist.
- Supervision of veterinary students and house officers will be the primary teaching responsibilities of the resident.
- The resident will have responsibilities assisting with laboratory courses and elective courses.
- The resident will have opportunity to participate in continuing education programs for veterinarians.
- The resident is expected to maintain all required ABVP case logs.
- The resident is required to prepare two case reports including one refereed publication during the residency.
- The resident is required to obtain 50 hours of continuing education per year by attendance and/or participation in continuing education meetings (departmental, local, state, and national), obtaining online CE credits, participation in weekly resident rounds and journal club, and presenting assigned lectures in the professional curriculum.
- Two departmental seminar presentations are required during the residency.